понедельник, 18 апреля 2016 г.

Computer program “Resources Optimizer -2”

                   Computer program “Resources Optimizer -2”
Author and right holder: Amiran Pimenovich Khuskivadze
Full name of the computer program:
   Analysis of quality of functioning of objects of management and optimization of their internal resources (Resources Optimizer -2)

   The computer program “Resources Optimizer -2” allows establishing mutually beneficial relations between parts of the whole. These relations are mutually beneficial from the point of view of rational use of internal resources of parts of the whole.
   The following mathematical problems are solved to establish mutually beneficial relations between parts of the wholly:
 - multi- criteria optimization,
 - system analysis,
 - adoption of reasonable decisions.
   In the end, the following characteristics are consistently established on one set of results of inspiring the actual state of all parts of each object of management (OM) S:
 - natural global optimums;
 - values of P and P0;
 - estimates of a state of parts of the OM and the OM itself,
      P – probability of adoption of reasonable decisions in OM S at the time of its inspection;
      P0 – maximum possible value of P at the moment of inspecting of OM S
   Natural global optimums are characteristics of the normal state of each integral system (OM). For example, normal body temperature of a human is a natural global optimum.
   With the help of "Resources Optimizer -2" it is also possible to make the comparative analysis of quality of functioning of objects of management.
   In order that the computer program “Resources Optimizer -2” could operation in the real-time mode, it has to have a certain form, unique for the corresponding class of the OM. This is done by means of a method uniform for all classes OM. The algorithm of this method is quite simple, and it is inbuilt in “Resources optimizer –2”
   On a basis of “Resources optimizer –2” it is possible to develop the whole set of the unique computer programs operating in the real-time mode. All these programs have one general property: the decision made with the help of each of them is always the best. It is the best from the point of view of rational use of internal resources of all parts of the corresponding OM S. Everyone who has access to results of inspection of the actual state of the corresponding OM S can operate this unique program.
   The computer program “Resources Optimizer–2”, modified to the corresponding unique type, is necessary for everyone who is obliged to make the reasonable decision! First of all, it is necessary for clinicians and heads of the states.
   Mathematical justification of the “Resources Optimizer -2” algorithm is given in chapters 5, 6 and 7 of the latest electronic version of our monograph: “Theory of Integrity. Decision – making in big (Complex) systems. The second Russian edition”, which can be found at the following web-Address:
There you can also find explanations of examples used in the object code of Resources Optimizer -2. The object code itself can be found at:

   Type of Computer: IBM PC compatible with the personal computer on the basis of the Intel Pentium processor, and above.
   Programming language: Mathcad 15, and above.
   Type and version of operating system: Windows XP/2003, and above.
   Program size: 588 KB.

   ”Resources Optimizer –2” is an improved version of our computer program “Resources Optimizer” included in the Unified Register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases under registration number: RU 2013 61 9297
   Computer program “Resources Optimizer -2” can be used free of charge. However, new computer programs obtained as a result of specifying or improving “Resources Optimizer -2” can be put up for sale. It all depends on authors and right holders of these new programs. The only stipulation is that authors and right holders must specify that their program is a specified (improved) version of the “Resources Optimizer -2”.
                                                 A. Khuskivadze
                                                                                   18th April, 2016